Quilt Patterns

Sunflower Star Quilt Block Tutorial

If you’re looking for a sewing project that will add a burst of color and charm to your space, the Sunflower Star Quilt Block is the perfect choice.

This tutorial will guide you through the step-by-step process to create this charming block, ideal for quilts, table runners, and more.

This oversized block can even be transformed into a unique table runner, standing out as a stunning centerpiece.

Materials Needed:

  1. Fabrics in various colors and prints
  2. Cutting ruler
  3. Rotary cutter
  4. Sewing machine
  5. Iron
  6. Cutting mat
  7. Sewing pins

Step 1: Fabric Selection Start by selecting a variety of fabrics in vibrant colors to bring your star block to life. Feel free to play with floral prints or choose a color palette that aligns with your style.

Step 2: Cutting Squares Define the desired size for your block. A common size is 15½” at the widest point and 8″ on the straight sides. Use the cutting ruler and rotary cutter to cut squares of this size from the chosen fabrics.

Step 3: Diagonal Cutting of Squares With the squares cut, proceed to cut each one diagonally in half, creating two triangles. This step is essential to form the sunflower petals in the block.

Step 4: Assembly of Triangles Choose two triangles of different colors, align the right sides, and pin together. This process will form a half-square triangle block.

Step 5: Sewing Triangles Sew along the straight edge of the triangles, joining the pieces. Remember to follow the excellent instructions in the associated tutorial video to efficiently handle Y-seams.

Step 6: Iron Pressing Open the seam in the middle of the half-square triangle block with the iron. Proper pressing ensures a clean and precise result.

Step 7: Repeat the Process Repeat steps 4 to 6 to create several half-square triangle blocks, experimenting with color combinations for a diverse look.

Step 8: Sunflower Star Block Layout Plan the layout of the sunflower star block on the chosen background fabric. Try different arrangements of triangles to form the desired sunflower star.

Step 9: Final Assembly Join the triangles as planned to form the complete sunflower star block. Accurate stitching is crucial for a flawless result.

Step 10: Adjustments and Finishing Touches Adjust the block as needed, trimming the edges to achieve the desired size. Use this unique block in quilt projects, table runners, or combine multiple blocks to create a larger quilt.

Step 11: Additional Inspiration The complete block was designed by Carolyn Forster for Gathered.

Access the complimentary tutorial for the “Sunflower Star” quilt block by clicking here.

Now, you are ready to create a stunning Sunflower Star Quilt Block that will surely stand out in any sewing project. Have fun exploring color combinations and patterns to further personalize your creations! This versatile block is perfect for all seasons and will add a charming touch to any space.

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